The owner of a vineyard was gravely ill. Before his death, he called his sons to his side and told them
a secret. There was a great treasure buried in the vineyard for them. The young men were saddened
by the fate of their father, but were excited about the prospect of finding what was hidden. They
gathered their tools and hurried to the vineyard and began to dig. They dug, and dug, and dug. Every
inch of ground was marked by their efforts, but no treasure was found. They returned to their homes
tired and confused. They knew their father would not lie. Soon it began to rain. All the digging in the
vineyard made the soil loose and ready to receive the life giving moisture. A short time later the vines
were full of blooms and that year the harvest was the greatest it had ever been. The treasure was there
all along, but someone needed to “dig.”
Students sometimes go through a period when they find their classes boring, their studies dull, and their
efforts halfhearted. How can the situation be improved? Someone needs to “DIG.” Hear the advice
that each letter of this little word offers.
The first letter “D” of the word dig should remind you to “decide.” Every action begins with a decision.
It starts as the mind whispers, “I will do this.” So make up your mind. Some things you want to do and
some things you need to do. Decide what it is and make a plan to accomplish it. A shy sophomore knew
that she needed to improve her spoken English. She decided to go to English Corner regularly. At first
she could only listen, but little by little she began to speak. By her junior year, she could lead discussions
and participate in every conversation. Her skill grew and confidence replaced the shyness. The change
began with a decision.
The second letter “I” of the word dig should remind you to “invest.” Investment is taking something and
using it in a way that it will become more. People invest money so that one day they will have a little
more. Students often say, “I don’t have any money.” What do you have? You have time. Each of you
has 24 hours a day with 60 new minutes in each hour. Take that few minutes that you have considered
of little value and invest it in some task. Don’t let your time slip away. You have youth and energy.
Take your freshness and strength and put it to work. You have talents and special abilities that are
unique. Some things are so easy for you. You enjoy doing them and they energize you and the people
around you. Discovery your talents and use them. Invest your time, energy, and talents to accomplish
your goals.
The third letter “G” should remind you to “grow.” Grow means to develop or mature. You are no longer
a child. A child is often selfish and unreliable. Adults should be different. They should be dependable and
think about the needs of others. It’s time to take on adult responsibilities, to assume the roles of
leadership, and make wise decisions that will benefit you and those around you.
In the opening story the father did not lie. As the sons dug, they reshaped the vineyard and their lives.
The treasure that life holds for you is hidden. All of your student efforts of studying, practicing, reading,
writing, and preparing may seem useless at this moment, but there is a treasure. It may not be
discovered today and its appearance may be far different than what you have imagined, but its value
will be real. Let your efforts rise above your excuses and “dig.”
By Michael Potts