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English Pronunciation for Communication(1)

Time:November 3, 2013 Source:

Course title

English Pronunciationfor Communication

Course Code

0210178 / 0210179

Course Level


Academic Session

1st/ 2ndSemester

Credit Points


Notional Hours


Teaching Hours



This course is intended to help Chinese EFL students to improve their English pronunciation, including such elements as the correct pronunciation of individual phonemes and words in English as well as the rhythmic patterns of the English language and patterns and functions of English intonation, so that the students will be able to communicate more effectively with appropriate pronunciation and intonation.

Learning Outcomes

1. English phonemes: correct discrimination and pronunciation

2. Stress of English words and sentences: basic rules and functions;

3. English rhythmic patterns: basic features and functions;

4. English intonation: structures, functions and use

Teaching and Learning

Lecture and presentations by the lecturer will be integrated with students centered in-class activities including tasks and exercises, independent, group and pair work. A number of therapy instructions will be given individually.


Assessment Type

Weighing Factor

Pass Mark






Discrimination of phonemes and the meaning of sentences, marking of the prominence and intonation of sentences, etc., including classroom performance.



Oral exam: Reading of short passages and dialogues, oral interview, etc.

Basic Reading List

1. Wang, Guizhen. An English Pronunciation Course; Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2000 .

(10) References:

2. Gimson, A.C.,An Introduction to Pronunciation of English, London:Arhold, 1970.

3. O'Connor, J. D. Better English Pronunciation, Cambridge University Press, 1967.

4. Wang, Guizhen. English Pronunciation & Intonation Practice.Higher Education Press, Beijing, 1996.

5. Wang, Guizhen. English Phonemes and their Pronunciation. Zhongshan University Press, 1998.

6. Hancock, M. English Pronunciation in Use Cambridge University Press, 2003

上一条:Advanced English(3) 下一条:English Grammar(1)
