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Training for interns of English Education Major

Time:October 25, 2017 Source:

    On October 16th, 2017, 12 intern students started conducting a eight-week internship in Ningde No.10 Junior High School, headed by Dean Gong Fanyuan, Vice Dean Huang Rongsheng, Teacher Chen Shanshan and Teacher Lin Lili. In order to ensure that the educational practice progress well, teachers and students called a short meeting to discuss detailed assignments. At the meeting, Teacher Lin Lili started with a note on the importance of 26 letters in English teaching, especially pronunciations of “L, M, N, Z”. Then, Teacher Lin Lili laid stress on canonical writing form of 26 letters and emphasized that intern students should correct errors in students’ handwritten English in time. Last but not least, Teacher Lin Lili encouraged intern students to “ask more, learn more” which is a good way to strengthen their professional qualities.







By Lin Dan


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