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My Summer Training in Newcastle University(童艳丽澳大利亚访学交流简介)

Time:July 10, 2017 Source:



2014年4月1日-7月1日本人于2014年4月1日-7月1日在澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学人文学院访问学习,师从Christo Moskovsky教授。访学期间,纽卡斯尔大学人文学院提供办公室、图书资料、计算机、打印、复印等等与学术研究相关的权利。我认真旁听了三门课程“二语习得”,“学术写作”和“句法学”。弥补了原来知识方面的不足,得到Christo, Alan, Silvia等几位教授的指导,取得了很好的效果。参与了学院在“应用语言学”及“语言教学法”研究领域的学术活动,并且积极与该院教师们进行正式或非正式的学术交流。Seminar(研讨会)是很常见的一种学术交流,几乎每周都有,不论是教授还是学生,都可以自由参加,与会者可以就自己感兴趣的话题同专家交流,从中可以了解这些知名教授的学术动向。短短的3个月的学习和研究生活,使我开阔了眼界,学到了一些不同的教学和科研方法。我会不断提高自己的教学和科研工作水平,努力为学校建设贡献自己的绵薄之力。

I have followed Dr Christo Moskovsky to learn advanced teaching methodology and research methods as a visiting scholar from April1st, 2014 to July 1st, 2014 at School of Humanities & Social Science of Newcastle University, Australia. During the period, the host institution undertook to offer my some shared office space, library privileges, as well as access to computing, printing and copying facilities related to academic research. And I actively attended some courses such as "Second language acquisition", "Academic writing" and "sentence law" to make up for the deficiencies of the original knowledge and got the guidance from professors Christo, Alan and Silvia and so on, achieving very good results. And also fully participated in academic life of the School and involved in formal or informal contacts with academic staff there in the area of applied linguistics and language teaching methodology. Seminar is a very common academic exchange, and both professors and phD students are free to participate almost every week. Participants can interact with experts on their interesting topics and learn about the academic trends of these renowned professors. A short period of 3 months of learning, I broaden my horizons and learned a number of different teaching and research methods. I will constantly improve my teaching and research level, and strive to contribute to the construction of our university.

上一条:My One Year as a Visiting Scholar in Japan(许陈颖日本访学) 下一条:An interview with the Chinese Embassy in Sierra Leone(访中国驻塞拉利昂大使馆 林丽丽)
