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the University of Newcastle(澳洲之行 孙芝婷)

Time:July 10, 2017 Source:


在澳大利亚的纽卡斯尔大学,每天的课程安排非常满档,课程包括二语习得,教学法等,风趣、幽默、随和的Doug 和Christo 两位博士是课程主讲老师。另外校方还贴心地还安排了很多课外活动,比如了解澳洲原住民文化,参观当地的音乐学院,体会澳洲式休闲等。

I was so lucky to spend the time of July with the other eleven colleagues in Australia.

We were engaged in studying in University of Newcastle Australia which was located in New South Wales. Dr. Doug and Dr. Christo were very amiable who taught us SLA and pedagogics. The teachers arranged many extracurricular activities, such as knowing aborigines culture, visiting local conservatory of music, experiencing local ways of recreation.

住家主人Angela 第一次接待外国留学生,非常兴奋地想多了解中国,所以只要有时间都会和我聊天,还热情地介绍她的一对女儿和亲戚朋友给我认识,我们一起煮中国式泡面,一起去King Edward公园野餐,一起玩桌游,一切都显得那么融洽。

Angela, the hostess of homestay, was very excited to know more about China, because it was her first time to do homestay. So we spent a lot of time on chatting, chatting and chatting. And of course, we did a lot of other things, cooking China-style instant noodles, picnicking in King Edward Park, playing table games. Everything was so harmonious.

上一条:My Summer Training in Newcastle University(蔡江云澳洲访学感想) 下一条:Summer Training in Newcastle University(澳洲访学体会 许秀玲)
