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My Summer Training in Newcastle University(蔡江云澳洲访学感想)

Time:July 10, 2017 Source:


On July 1,2013,under the leadership of Professor Gong Fanyuan, the other ten colleagues and I left China for the host Newcastle University in Australia on a visiting and exchange programme. Although the training lasted only twenty-three days, I have learned a lot. Thanks to the perfect designed curriculum and engaged training and life.The distinguished professors not only gave profound and interesting lectures on the advanced global ESL teaching and methods,but also led us to attend many demo classes. As a result, the training has broadened my narrow teaching perspectives and simultaneously further developed my professional qualities as an English teacher. Moreover, homestay living style has made me understand more about the Australian culture,which also improves me a lot in speaking and talking with Australians. The same unforgettable things are the blue sky and seas there,for they imprint the most beautiful pictures in my heart for the past, present and future.

上一条:My One Year as a Visiting Scholar in the UK(陈赞琴老师访学简介) 下一条:the University of Newcastle(澳洲之行 孙芝婷)
